3D Printed Visualization
Use our comprehensive model making services based on "digital data"!
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3D Printing
NEW for hotels and visitor center: spectacular landscape maps!
The SHAPEwerk RegioRondell is a circular table 3D map for up to 8 people to view and interact. Get your custom eye-catcher now!
Convincing Presentations
Apply high resolution projection with 3D models to achieve unlimited live information layers.
Our "ShapeVision" setups provide solutions for interactive, tactile and dynamic presentation of complex projects.
3D Presentation Table
Vivid Impressions
No other technology delivers such realistic and emotionally charged experience. Using additive manufacturing SHAPEwerk produces large 3D maps which can display fine details.
Raised 3D Maps
Terrain 3D Maps
See The Big Picture
Master plan and city models in scales between 500 to 2.000 offer a realistic overview for large groups. We support impressive museum installations or dismountable concepts, i.e. district sections.
3D City Models